Students will be dropped from any program when absenteeism causes sufficient point deduction to prevent the student from academically passing the course(s).
A student may request an incomplete grade in writing when dropping from the class before the attendance agreement is violated. If the student has not violated the attendance agreement and has completed 75% of the program, the student is entitled to re-enroll in another class within 12 months from the time the student withdraws.
In cases where a student has not completed 75% of the program, has permanently withdrawn, or the enrollment contract has been terminated, Alliance Career Institute will refund the student according to the Refund Policy. In these cases, the student must wait a minimum of one grading period to re-apply.
Students who withdraw from the program will be considered for re-admittance at the point where the last course has been successfully completed. Subjects that are less than 3 years old need not be repeated. Students may be asked to audit classes or clinics as a refresher prior to re-admittance. Students, who withdraw from any program and are accepted to return, will receive and sign a new tuition and attendance agreement. Students who withdraw or are dropped from a Program must re-apply to return and be accepted to guarantee his/her returning place. Re-admittance after approval is on a space availability basis.
If a student fails a course or clinical due to attendance point deduction or demerits, they May request a hearing in front of the Attendance Review Board (ARB) findings and recommendations will be implanted by the School Director. The ARB will only grant hearings for students with a current passing average in all other courses.
A Medical Assistant student may only re-enroll in the Medical Assistant program one time. If for any reason, a Medical Assistant students drop, withdraws, or is terminated a second time, the students will not be accepted into any further Medical Assistant programs. Students who are dropped from all other classes will be expected to repeat the entire course with new tuition and attendance agreements.
Tardy-Absent 1 to 15 minutes of class/clinical time (beginning, middle, or end of class/ clinical)
Partial Absence- Absent 16 to 50 minutes of class/ clinical time (beginning, middle or end of class/ clinical)
Absence- Absent more than 50 minutes from a class/clinical
Classroom Setting and Clinical Setting
In the classroom setting:
Every absence will deduct two (2) points of the final grade of that course. Every partial absence will deduct one (1) point off the final grade of that course. Every tardy will deduct one-half (0.5) point off the final grade of that course.
There are no “excused” absences.
Make-up Work
No more than 5% of the total clock hours for a program may be made up. Make-up work shall:
1. Be supervised by an instructor approved for the subject being made up;
2. Require the student to demonstrate substantially the same level of knowledge or competence expected of a student who attended the scheduled class session.
3. Be completed within two weeks of the end of the grading period during which the absence occurred;
4. Be documented by the school as being completed, recording the date, time duration of the make-up session, and the name of the supervising instructor; and
5. Be signed and dated by the student to acknowledge the make-up session.
Content Mastery work
Content Mastery work will be required on all graded when a student fails to meet the minimum passing score Exercise will be assigned by individual instructors.
Termination of Enrollment:
Termination of enrollment shall occur when a student accumulates the lesser of the following amounts of absences:
1. More than 10 consecutive school days;
2. More than 20% of the total clock hours in a program of more than 200 clock hours;
3. More than 25% of the total clock hours, if the program or individual subjects is 41 to 200 clock hours in length;
4. More than a 25% of the total clock hours for seminars, individual subjects, or programs of 40 clock hours or less; or
Any number of days if the student fails to return as scheduled from an approved leave of absence.
Students whose enrollments are terminated for violation of the attendance policy may not enroll before the start of the next progress evaluation period. This provision does not circumvent the approved refund policy.
1. A student must have attended all classes or made up all work and time from missed classes within 5% limit of the total clock hours in the Program.
2. A student must demonstrate competence on all skills from skills checklist when applicable.
3. Students must have at least a seventy percent (70%) average in all courses.
4. Students must receive a “Passing” score on clinical evaluations when applicable.
5. All tuition must be paid in full.
Alliance Career Institute supports our students to achieve academic goals and is committed to fair treatment of our students, however, this grievance procedure is provided in the unlikely case of a complaint:
1. Alliance Career Institute has a certificate of approval from Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) to operate a career school in the state of Texas with the assigned number S2475.
2. This school’s Nurse Aide/Home Health Aide (NAHHA), Medical Assisting and Medication Aide Programs are approved by TWC and the Texas Department of Aging and Disability (DADS).
3. Students should refer to the refund and cancellations policies they received during registration to address such concerns. Students may refer to the grievance process outlined in the school’s catalog to address other issues relating to the school or programs offered.
4. The school administration is also willing to work with students to resolve unsatisfactory matters that may arise.
5. Students who may be dissatisfied with the school’s response to their complaint can file a formal complaint with TWC or DADS.
6. Students may receive information on filing a complaint with TWC on its Website for Career Schools and Colleges at
The law which applies to physicians regarding the completely confidential nature of patient information is a rule which applies to all ACI students and employees. Except where necessary in the regular course of business, the discussion, transmission, or narration in any form of any patient information of a personal nature, medical, or otherwise, obtained in the regular course of your schooling or employment is strictly forbidden. Any violation of this professional rule shall constitute grounds for severe disciplinary action including possible termination of enrollment contract.
It is the policy of Alliance Career Institute that all citizens of moral, mental and physical ability may matriculate. Students must physically be capable of performing all procedures that are state-approved.
Applicants with a communicable disease will be denied entrance. Students contracting a communicable condition will not be allowed in the patient care setting. They will be required to show proof of a doctor’s health statement.
It is the policy of Alliance Career Institute that no person will be denied admission due to age, race, sex and/or political/religious affiliation.